{{#with data}} {{#with pivotedAreas}}

Nearby Areas

{{#compare neighborhoods.length ">" 0}}


    {{#each neighborhoods}}
  • {{name}}
  • {{/each}}
{{/compare}} {{#compare zipCodes.length ">" 0}}

Zip Codes

{{/compare}} {{#compare metroAreas.length ">" 0}}

Metro Areas/Counties

    {{#each metroAreas}}
  • {{name}}
  • {{/each}}
{{/with}} {{#if propertyAddressItem.building}} {{#with propertyAddressItem}}

{{address.fullStreetAddressWithoutUnit}} is a building{{#if propertyCount.commas}} with {{propertyCount.commas}} units{{/if}}{{#if yearBuilt}} that was built in {{yearBuilt}}{{/if}}. {{#if averageValue}}On average, a unit in this building is worth {{averageValue.dollars}} and is {{averageSqFt.string}} square feet. Unit values vary in this building, ranging from {{averageValueLow.dollars}} to {{averageValueHigh.dollars}}.{{/if}} {{#if schools.length}} This property is situated in {{schools.0.district.name}} district, which has {{schools.length}} schools in its vicinity. Nearby schools include {{#each schools}} {{#compare (math @index "+" 1) "==" ../schools.length}}and {{/compare}} {{this.name}}, which has {{this.studentCount.commas}} students{{#compare (math @index "+" 1) "==" ../schools.length}}.{{else}};{{/compare}} {{/each}} The schools in {{schools.0.district.name}} district range from grades {{schools.0.district.gradeRange}}. {{/if}}

{{/with}} {{/if}} {{#compare propertyAddressItem.type_ "!=" "HSPropertyAddressDetail"}} {{#unless propertyAddressItem.listingID}} {{!-- --}}
{{#with propertyAddressItem}} {{#compare mappedSPropertyType "!=" null}}

{{address.fullStreetAddressWithoutUnit}} is a {{style}} {{#if sPropertyType2}} {{#compare sPropertyType2.raw "==" 1 }} detached home {{else compare sPropertyType2.raw "==" 2}} townhome {{else compare sPropertyType2.raw "==" 4 }} condo {{else}} home {{/compare}} {{else}} {{#compare mappedSPropertyType "==" 1 }} detached home {{else compare mappedSPropertyType "==" 2}} townhome {{else compare mappedSPropertyType "==" 4 }} condo {{else}} home {{/compare}} {{/if}} {{#if yearBuilt}} that was built in {{yearBuilt}}{{/if}}. {{#if exterior}} This property has a(n) {{exterior}} exterior.{{/if}} {{#if beds}} It also has {{beds.string}} bedroom{{#compare beds.raw ">" 1}}s{{/compare}} {{#if baths}}{{#unless fireplaces}} and {{else}}, {{/unless}}{{baths.raw.full}} bathroom{{#compare baths.raw.full ">" 1}}s{{/compare}}{{/if}} {{#if fireplaces}}as well as {{fireplaces}} fireplaces{{/if}}. {{/if}} {{#if sqFt}} In terms of size, this property has {{sqFt.string}} square feet of living space{{#if lotSize.string}} and sits on {{lotSize.string}} acres{{/if}}. {{/if}} {{#if lastSaleDate}} This home was last sold on {{lastSaleDate.formattedDate}}{{#if lastSalePrice}} for {{lastSalePrice.dollars}}{{/if}}. {{/if}} {{#if schools.length}} This property is situated in {{schools.0.district.name}} district, which has {{schools.length}} schools in its vicinity. Nearby schools include {{#each schools}} {{#compare (math @index "+" 1) "==" ../schools.length}}and {{/compare}} {{this.name}}, which has {{this.studentCount.commas}} students{{#compare (math @index "+" 1) "==" ../schools.length}}.{{else}};{{/compare}} {{/each}} The schools in {{schools.0.district.name}} district range from grades {{schools.0.district.gradeRange}}. {{/if}} {{#or value taxEst}} Right now, the property has{{#if value}} an estimated value of {{value.dollars}}{{#if taxEst}} and {{/if}}{{/if}}{{#if taxEst}} yearly taxes of {{taxEst.dollars}}{{/if}}. {{/or}}

{{/compare}} {{/with}}
{{/unless}} {{/compare}} {{/with}}